Simple, fast, earn.
Create a free account on Its 100% free.
After registration you can login and see your account.
Start earning by click/open on your radio link(s). You can also use our live API for your website if you wish that your user listen for you.
Every 15 minutes you get points. This points will converted at the following month to USD. The USD you can payout via Bank transfer (wire), Amazon Gift Cards or Bitcoin (BTC).
All browsers that supports HTML5 audio can start earning. Newest codecs for lowest traffic. Only 32 kbit/s for audio streaming with highest quality.
The ads in the audio stream is depends on your location or your user and will give you the highest eCPM. Over 35 countries are supported.
A much of options and functions for styling your radio and design. All realtime and live.
You see always in realtime all your statistics, radios and your API. Simple for everyone.
Stable point exchange and much of security systems for you and our partners.
You earn in livetime and your converted points in USD you can everytime simple payout via Paypal.
Ask us if you have any questions or problems.
Yes, the membership is 100% free. No premium-packages or something like this.
You can use our service worldwide. We support every country.
You earn "Points" (Pts). This points will always confirmed in the following month to USD. The USD you can everytime payout via Bank transfer (wire), Amazon Gift cards and Bitcoin.
No problem. Older browsers can open the radio window and use a player like VLC Media Player or Winamp. That work also to earn.
No! Bots or server usage for listening radio is not allowed and accounts will be banned.
We pay by NET30 via Paypal.